The BCPTO voted tonight to allow an additional $50 reimbursement from our BCPTO for teachers to use toward classroom expenses. If you attend the April or May meeting and bring a receipt, the BCPTO will reimburse any Benton Community elementary teacher up to $50 for classroom supplies, on top of the $50 already allotted for each teacher. Email with questions!
A reminder that the 6th annual Bobcat Dash registration sign-ups are due on or before Wednesday, 9/20. The Bobcat Dash is on Saturday, September 30 and is a fun family event put on by the Benton Community PTO. Link for the registration pac ket - Link for the Bobcat Dash volunteer sign-up - All registration packets must include a signed waiver and the registration fee. Get your registration in on time to guarantee a t-shirt ! Please email with questions!
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